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Bolding your brand insures it will be seen, be heard and be remembered. It’s standing head and shoulders above the crowd. It’s building your brand identity to connect with consumers — impacting them visually, engaging them verbally and embracing them emotionally. It’s driven by passion, so it's not the time for whispering — SCREAM LOUD!


Be seen!  It all starts with a powerful logo. A visually distinct mark that is readily seen and enduringly remembered. Your logo identifies your company, your products and your services. More importantly, it also represents your relationship with your customers. So it should embody your company’s personality as well as the value your customers feel for your brand. It’s a lot to ask for a 2” x 2” graphic image, but when crafted correctly — it can be dynamic.

Be heard! Being seen starts with a powerful logo, being heard starts with a powerful statement. A verbally distinct and memorable slogan can help break through the chatter and quickly get the attention of potential customers. Like your logo, an effective slogan should also express your brand’s personality and relate to your customers’ values. A strong logo-slogan combo sets the foundation for all of your marketing communications.


Be authentic! Bolding your brand also means screaming honestly. Authentically. No matter how loud, it’s always about creating a brand that’s true to who you are. As a small business owner, your brand identity should express your personality. After all, it’s the most unique brand asset you have. It’s also the most relatable. It’s what sets you apart from all your competition. It’s yours, you own it — so let’s promote it!

Be remembered! Being remembered does require comprehensive, cohesive and consistent messaging — visually, verbally and behaviorally. That means continuously presenting a consistent visual style and speaking in a consistent voice.  But it's also making your brand distinct. Possibly edgy. Probably bold. Certainly different!  So let’s not be shy, being remembered might require a little — SCREAMING LOUD!  

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